
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

my best weekend

On monday It was a beautiful sunny day. We went down to my cousins house.there names are joseph and izaea. We were shy when we walked into there house we didn't know them until we got offered to play cards with them we played memory we started to play kicks then we started to play rugby.I was joseph and I vs Izaea and robert joseph kicked off I said WOW! That was a great kick joseph they caught the ball they ran  so fast I couldn't catch them the got the score It was one zero.

We had a bottle of water and continued with cards we played last card Couple of hours ago there was a car coming past with a boy inside. it was my other cousin rubin we went around to the warm place to have some chips there was doritos,spicy chips,prawn chips and popcorn YUMMY! That was so delicious apart from the prawn chips those taste YUCK! I tasted one prawn chip and it was so YUCK!

We walked back home with my grandma. we had to say bye to everyone first then we can walk home my grandma said. We said bye to everyone then we left BYE! Everyone we walked home and had a rest.we woke up

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

what makes a good friend

What makes a good friend,
A good friend is playing with people who are lonely, never lie to them or betray them. Return what they gave to you so you can borrow again in the future.

If you have a friend that plays with little kids you don't have to bully them, mock them or judge them, you play with them, be a role model and treat them how you want to be treated when you were there age.

Take care of them and don’t use put-downs, don’t spread their secrets or the whole school will know. Share with your friends if they don't have any stationary lend them something

lilly & the snowman

One snowy night a little girl named Lilly build a snowman. Then it came to life. He looked at his hands and started making shadows on the wall.The girl looked at the wall and laughed.The snowman was very happy to make shadows for her.

The snowman started to melt and the water dripped on Lilly's head, so she put him in a freezer and gave him a teddy bear. She was getting older and older. She still loved the snowman, so she kept on visiting and visiting.

When one day, she got too old, she got bored and started to ignore the snowman. The days went by, she had a job and she had no time to play with the snowman. One day while working on her computer, she spilt her coffee and she got a fright. The light shone at the snow globe and that reminded her about the snowman in the freezer.

She got her bag, ran to her car and she went home to grab her snowman out of her freezer. Then she realized that caring for the snowman would make both of them happy again.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

First Aid

On Monday 10th September 2018 a man named mr munnik came from the red cross. He taught us how to save people's lives from choking,burns,nose bleeds. He even taught us how to make a elevation sling.

We were going through steps DRS ABC  d = danger r = response  S= send for help A= airway B= breathing C= circulation those are the steps.

We were in the hall for half a day we came back lunchtime,  we got certificates.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Moon Creature

Filling up her bucket from the well and hearing owl noises . she got scared once the light flashed after she got scared.  She kept on filling her bucket  she looked where the moon was and it was gone she looked back and the moon creature was behind her .

The moon creature looked at her and started to run away she seemed terrified when the moon was looking at her the moon creature was hiding away from the little girl and the started moving up slowly the moon creature sneezed on the little girl and she fell over she seemed happy the creature came closer and closer and he was holding a necklace.

The moon creature lift her up and then dropped her. he helped her fill her bucket up the girl and the creature  were happy.  the moon creature flew back from where it came from  she looked in the bucket and  the moon creature was gone she had a scarf  red hair and green eyes  she look up at the moon  smiling.  there were lots of trees around  and lots of Gates around  she was all alone in the dark. it look cold . she had a brown coat and white boots.

I hope she sees the moon  moon creature again when she  goes and fills her back it up from the well.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Avengers ATTACK!

It all started in the city in the underground.I was going to the avengers and I heard the building fall.All the robots started to defeat the city and the avengers to.After the city came apart, Iron Man flew up in the air and killed all the robots.

The avengers called Krypton night to get all the planes ready for fire. Half of the city was on one side and the other city was on the other side.The underground was a big huge spaceship.

Thor got his hammer and hit it on the ground and it went Boom and blew all the robots away until flash came and zoomed pass and went in circles to make a big tornado. the tornado blew all the robots away.

After a couple hours the planes arrived the lady’s son got stuck in the house so Flash went in the house and grabbed her Son but when he was running he got shot they blew up fast as and it was sad. her Son died they blew up but lucky the planes left.

Spiderman and Captain America went on a holiday to Los Angeles they had fun cause a new girl came.
Until all the robots got rebuilt they smashed all the city’s. Spiderman said” Has to be again”. There were robots coming out of water there were robots coming out of lava and underground there boss was laughing like a witch.

He told all of them to attack but it was only Spiderman and Captain America.Spiderman had to ring all the avengers to help fight because Captain America and Spiderman went on vacation.

The biggest robot i have ever seen i have not seen a robot that big hulk tried to carry Thor’s hammer to smash the big robot but thor had to do it started to rain cause thor smashed his hammer on the ground and made thunder.

He said no because he smashed all the city’s down it was all Thor’s fault hulk said” it’s alright”,  we gotta fight we won the fight we just have to get there boss so he does not make the robots

Hulk knocked out all the robots boss’s door and bang got knocked out. they buried him alive R.I.P¨they were shooting him well he was buried  so he died.

The next day the avengers were happy and sad cause flash died so they went to the funeral R.I.P the saddest day of there life after a couple of years they were happy because the new girl taking over for flash.

I woke up feeling itchy

I woke up feeling itchy because there were lots of leaves covering my soft fur. I went hunting for my prey. I dragged my prey into the middle of nowhere. I heard predators surrounding me, I think they want my prey. I jumped over the predators with my prey and ran as fast as lightning.

Well I was running I bumped my head on something and it was a tree. I climbed the tree and had a quick sleep. I woke up from my nap and there were monkeys jumping on me. I saw my prey, jumped on it and ate it. After I ate my prey, I went into the woods to play with the other panthers. I saw the huge sun rising up. In the distance.

I was running past and saw a fire burning at the bottom of the lake. I ran down to the bottom of  the lake and got the elephants to break the trees to push the water down onto the fire to help stop it. Finally the fire stopped in the morning and the jungle was full of ashes.

The sun started to go down and I think It is bedtime for me and all other animals.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

I see beautiful sparkling water shining

I see beautiful sparkling water shining.
I see huge mountains relaxing in the sun.
I feel the breeze going through my body. I hear the
palm trees blowing the wind
and I feel the burning
 sand scorching on my body.

I can see the boats Zooming all the way past me  It splashed me
I saw some fisherman
catching big blue fish I see fish swimming past me.
I hear lots of birds on the tree chirping I hear
crashing waves crashing into the sand.

I taste yummy fish going down my throat. I see the beautiful sun.

Friday, August 3, 2018

what I want to be when I am older?

When I am older I want to be a gamer because  you will
have lots of fun and you can play different games but first you
have to be good at school and at university .

When your a gamer you have to know the controls .
it is hard to get jobs because you have to sign
papers and contracts it is difficult .also when I am older I
want to be a policeman so I can fight bad guys and drive the
police car and also sort out situations.

When I get a job I am going to be proud of myself.

Monday, July 30, 2018

night light out

One lovely night there were a beautiful moon and dark clouds
Shone  a beautiful light  shining from a lighthouse it was in a
big beautiful town it was dark and the water was flashing
on the big tall dangerous rocks  there are lots of people 
in the houses  the  light spun around and around .

 there were people celebrating a party in a house in the
lighthouse there were a old man there was the inside of
the Lighthouse old man riding on the paper. There was a
candle by him  he was drawing with a feather and a little
bottle of ink by him the window blew right open the wind
was so strong the candle would go out.

  he close the window and kept on writing something loud
and the lighthouse went out the people got scared the
window blew open and blew out the candle. he looked back
and stood up He could not see where he was going
And fell over turn on a light.

 so he can see he ran up to get to the top of the lighthouse
The light was out and now the boat so know where they're
going the light got jammed He was looking around the light
and it was broken he got his tools and try to fix it.
The boat could crash into the whole village.

He got scared and looked back in the light I left it
up and  he tripped. The light was broken and he
got terrified the boat was so close . he looked at
the houses light he had a idea  and ran down the
stairs he open the door of the lighthouse there were
lots of people with lights.

 They had millions of lights. All of the people went in the
lighthouse and hold up their lights the lighthouse got so 
bright Boat was there but since the lighthouse was so bright
the boat turned around everyone was safe.

 I hope the lighthouse works again all the boats will crush
the village There is always someone there for him. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


space station is the 3rd brightest object in the sky
planets are full of gas ice rock
atmosphere is a set of layers of gases
craters are huge holes that are in the moon

eclipse is an astronomical event

Friday, June 29, 2018

Me and my friend

Me and my friend were going to the lake and we discovered a mysterious cave we walked in and saw that the waterfall was icy my friend jumped in and felt the coldness from the water so he jumped out  and got into a cosy towel this lake is strange it make the water icy so me and my friend walked in again and it looked different so we thought of something to melt the ice

My friends dad got a digger BOOM ! the waterfall started to work all the water is pouring down now. So we went home and the next day my dad got our kayak so me and my friends are never going to never going to that cave ever again.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

who am I

Kia Ora my name is Mena, welcome to my blog.

I am a year 5 boy at Glen brae School. My culture is Maori.
My goal is to get better at writing reading and
maths.My role model is cristiano ronaldo because he is good at soccer. I have five big brothers and 3 sisters. My favourite movie is rampage and king Arthur.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

winter poetry

Winter poem

I see the wood burning
I hear kids playing in the snow
I feel warmness by the fire

I taste chicken soup

Thursday, May 24, 2018

PWC financial literacy

This week we had PWC financial literacy coming in to teach us about money there names were jasmine,chris,sasha and lyndsey those are the teachers that were teaching us i enjoyed it. they gave us books.

Module. 1. 2. 3. And 4. The gave us some stickers to. There are three thing you can do with money donate, save and borrow

Monday, May 21, 2018

day and night

Earth’s axis is tilted.on its axis as it orbits the sun.why don't all places on the
planet experience the same pattern. For most of here on planet earth,
sunrise,sunset,and the cycle of day and night

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The animal I would like to be

Image result for leopard

In a scary forest I saw a leopard In the bush with shiny, yellow eyes shining in the dark. The leopard jumped out of nowhere. i was running until the leopard stopped. so I stopped in the middle of nowhere and there were alot of leopards surrounding me. I was dreaming about being a leopard.

Leopards eat small hoofstock such as gazelle, deer and wild beast. Hunt monkeys, rodents and birds. leopards hang on trees. Leopards are fast and strong, that is why I want to be a leopard.

Monday, May 14, 2018

legend of nian

Nian is a beast that lives under sea or in the mountains. Nian
usually means “year” or “new year”. Nian is  scared of the colour red, red lanterns. Nian is scared of loud stuff like music
and fireworks. Nian comes every year.
The villagers lived in fear of this beast and boarded up there houses on this night when Nian jumped out to scare them. Nian took one look at the colour red and ran away from all the loud noises.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

gently with keys

we have been learning to look after our Chromebooks.